Tag: relationship

  • Someone else’s plus one | Vignettes of my failed marriage

    Someone else’s plus one | Vignettes of my failed marriage

    February 2016: “But it has to stop hurting so much, eventually, right?” I asked him. The look on my face had to clearly be a desperate sadness, pathetically searching for hope—for him to say something to ground me, to ease my mind that this moment is only a hard moment in the grand scheme of…

  • Making peace with the unanswerable | Vignettes of my failed marriage

    Making peace with the unanswerable | Vignettes of my failed marriage

    Recently, a well-intentioned kind human mentioned I should stop dwelling on these bad points in my life and move on to my brighter future (referring to several posts regarding my marriage and subsequent divorce). The thing is–I have moved on. (Or at lest I’m well into the process of moving on.) The fact that I’m…