artist’s way II: week one

Artists love other artists.  Shadow artists are gravitating to their rightful tribe but cannot yet claim their birthright.  Very often audacity, not talent, makes one person an artist and another a shadow artist—hiding in the shadows, afraid to step out and expose the dream to light, fearful that it will disintegrate to the touch. –Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way

I remember it took me years before I could call myself an artist.  It felt pretentious.  I felt obligated to add qualifiers, to undermine my career aspirations before others could inadvertently make me feel stupid for desiring artistic success…

“But that isn’t really a career option.” 
“Isn’t art more of a hobby?” 
“Yea, but, aren’t you going to do a real job also?”
“Too bad you won’t make any money until your dead, huh?”

Because, those are reassuring things to hear from other humans, right?

However, eventually I grew into myself as an artist and became more confident in my commitment to art.  I am an artist.  I make art.  I love art, and in turn art heals me and fills me with joy.  As an adult, I refuse to be embarrassed or ashamed of that fact.  In my life, I am pursuing a career in the fine arts.  Eventually, I hope to be a successful enough artist to solely earn my living on art-related endeavors.

If I don’t have faith in myself as an artist—how can I expect anyone else to take my work or me seriously?

Week 1/Task 8- Imaginary lives:
If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do in each of them?

  1. Singer/Songwriter Okay, yes, I have no singing or lyrical ability, BUT, my imaginary self totally does.
  2. Fiction Author That is pretty self-explanatory, I think.
  3. Contemporary Dancer You know, like the ones in the Step-Up movies.  Yep, that is totally what I am referring to–it is entirely a guilty pleasure.
  4. Actress  Because who doesn’t want a career out of playing make-believe?
  5. Hair Stylist  The fun ones who play with all the crazy colors and asymmetrical cuts.


Week 1/Task 10 Artist Walk:
Take a twenty-minute walk
I don’t have a car, and was stuck on base waiting for my husband to get off work, so I used that as an opportunity for Task 10.  Normally, the base isn’t that exciting.  I have driven those streets, viewed the buildings, etc for literally, years now.  Yet, when walking with a conscious sense of observation, the amount of ordinary beauty often overlooked is almost staggering.

These are one of my favorite flowers, and they just grow naturally here.
These are one of my favorite flowers, and they just grow naturally here.
Seriously, I live here. (For four more days, anyway)
Seriously, I live here. (For four more days, anyway)
Alright, this is not a great picture, but this yard had little baby chicks in it.  Just wandering around, being all adorable.
Alright, this is not a great picture, but this yard had little baby chicks in it. Just wandering around, being all adorable.
These flowers are so happy, and they are everywhere.
These flowers are so happy, and they are everywhere.
Blue tile street sign.
Blue tile street sign.






2 responses to “artist’s way II: week one”

  1. The Farmhouse Chronicles and Delight-filled Leaves Art Avatar

    Yes! I had to work through the artist’ s way twice to work up the courage to take my first art class. Great to see these familiar words.


    1. nakedcarlyart Avatar

      Right? I loved it when I worked through it the first time, but I think I will find it just as beneficial now. I am already enjoying the process.


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